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NX-4008-620kv Brushless QuadroCopter Motor
Kód zb.: HY795-sx
Cena: 999.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 10+ ks

NX-4008-620kv Brushless QuadroCopter Motor

Pokud se vážně zajímáte o výkon u vaší quadrikoptéry, nemusíte hledat nic jiného, než motory AX-4008. Tyto motory jsou osazeny velmi kvalitními 45SH magnety, s vysokým počtem polů, mají širokou možnost montáže a navíc-jsou to motory speciálně určené pro vícerotorové modely. Motory AX-4008 mají na ose nalisované osazení pro vrtule typu GWS a hliníkové montážní lože pro rychlou a snadnou montáž do rámu quadrikoptéry. Upozornění: Nejedná se o modifikované letecké motory. Jsou to motory navržené a sestrojené speciálně pro quadrikoptéry. Specifikace: Otáčky

Turnigy Multistar 4822-390Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner
Kód zb.: QQ449-fw
Cena: 1360.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 4 ks

Turnigy Multistar 4822-390Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner

Looking for the ultimate power system for your next Multi-rotor project? Look no further! The Turnigy Multistar outrunners are designed with one thing in mind - maximising Multi-rotor performance! They feature high-end 45SH magnets, high quality NMB bearings, 22 Poles, custom motor mount and all are precision balanced for smooth running, these motors are engineered specifically for multi-rotor

AVROTO M2814-11S Short Shaft 770KV Brushless UAV Motor
Kód zb.: GB859-kl
Cena: 2219.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

AVROTO M2814-11S Short Shaft 770KV Brushless UAV Motor

Avroto M2814-11S Short Shaft 770KV Brushless UAV Motor Specification: Weight Approx. 100 grams not including wires 35mm D 36mm L Shaft Diameter 4MM Prop Diameter 6MM No-Load Speed 770 rpm per Volt 350 Watts Current Capacity 22Amps for 60sec Wire Lenght 600MM 14 Magnets 12 Stator Arms Hardened Shaft Made in Japan High Quality EZO Bearings From Japan Includes: Radial Mount Set with Prop Adaptor

Turnigy Mini-Swift Replacement Brushless Outrunner
Kód zb.: SV704-oz
Cena: 420.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

Turnigy Mini-Swift Replacement Brushless Outrunner

Turnigy Mini-Swift Replacement Brushless Outrunner

Floater-Jet Replacement Motor (AXN-2208-2150)
Kód zb.: IV461-9p
Cena: 322.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 5 ks

Floater-Jet Replacement Motor (AXN-2208-2150)

Náhradní motor pro Floater-Jet (AXN-2208-2150) Specifikace: Otáček na Volt: 2150 ot/V Max.příkon: 180W Max. proud: 20A Max. napětí: 11.1V (LiPo tříčlánek) Počet závitů: 16 Vnitřní odpor: 0.085Ohm Typ magnetů: N45SH Odběr naprázdno: 1.52A Průměr hřídele: 3mm Hmotnost: 44g Doporučená vrtule: 5x5 / 6x4

iPower 4008Q-620kv Brushless QuadroCopter Motor
Kód zb.: ZN088-fs
Cena: 999.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 8 - 11 ks

iPower 4008Q-620kv Brushless QuadroCopter Motor

All motors are not include female gold connector and heatshrink tube in accessories packing. iPower 4008Q-14 620KV:Brushless Quadcopter Motor Supplied with mount and prop adaptor,gold connector soldered,450MM LONG CABLE. Specification: Kv: 620rpm/V Turns: 14T Resistance: 0.129Rm Idle Current: 0.8A Can size: 50mm Can Length: 23mm Shaft: 3mm (Includes Prop saver mount for GWS style props) Sugg

Turnigy 4208 620kv Brushless Multi-Rotor Motor
Kód zb.: QD261-rm
Cena: 964.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 4 ks

Turnigy 4208 620kv Brushless Multi-Rotor Motor

If you re serious about your multi-rotors performance, look no further than this Turnigy mult-rotor motor. Built with high-end 45SH magnets, a high pole count, custom motor mount and extra long wires, this motor is designed purely for multi-rotor applications. This motor includes a collet style prop adaptor for use with many different style props featuring a 5mm shaft. It also includes a bolt-o

Turnigy 4206 530kv Brushless Multi-Rotor Motor
Kód zb.: JA044-5y
Cena: 894.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

Turnigy 4206 530kv Brushless Multi-Rotor Motor

If you re serious about your multi-rotor s performance, look no further than this Turnigy mult-rotor motor.Built with high-end 45SH magnets, a high pole count, custom motor mount and extra long wires, this motor is designed purely for multi-rotor applications. This motor includes a collet style prop adaptor for use with many different style props featuring a 5mm shaft.It also includes a bolt-on

Contra Rotating BL System 375W
Kód zb.: AF985-jh
Cena: 1699.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 ks

Contra Rotating BL System 375W

Specifikace: Rozměry: 28mm x 51mm Hmotnost: 79 g / 2.83 oz (bez konektorů) Průměr hřídele: 3.0 mm Délka přední hřídele: 10.25 mm Max.proud: 17A*2 = 34 A Max. příkon: 375 W Otáčky na Volt: 1050 ot/V Vrtule: 10x4 nebo 10x5 Tah pro napětí 11 V a proud 2*10.5 A: 1320g / 46.56 oz Doporučený regulátor: 2 x 25 A Součástí dodávky jsou vrtule (viz. obr) Pozn: Součástí dodávky jsou v současnosti plastové vrtule, které nahradily dříve dodávané dřevěné.

Turnigy Multistar 4822-690Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner
Kód zb.: WE164-1q
Cena: 1360.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

Turnigy Multistar 4822-690Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner

Looking for the ultimate power system for your next Multi-rotor project? Look no further! The Turnigy Multistar outrunners are designed with one thing in mind - maximising Multi-rotor performance! They feature high-end 45SH magnets, high quality NMB bearings, 22 Poles, custom motor mount and allare precision balanced for smooth running, these motors are engineered specifically for multi-rotor u

Turnigy Multistar 4830-420Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner
Kód zb.: SD635-io
Cena: 1826.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 6 ks

Turnigy Multistar 4830-420Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner

Looking for the ultimate power system for your next Multi-rotor project? Look no further! The Turnigy Multistar outrunners are designed with one thing in mind - maximising Multi-rotor performance! They feature high-end 45SH magnets, high quality NMB bearings, 22 Poles, custom motor mount and all are precision balanced for smooth running, these motors are engineered specifically for multi-rotor us

Variable pitch prop & motor set 10\
Kód zb.: TS540-pe
Cena: 970.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 7 ks

Variable pitch prop & motor set 10" Type A

This easy to install unit will enable you to reverse the pitch of your brushless motor IN FLIGHT!The list of possible manuevers is endless!The unit includes 2 10" blades and outrunner motor, and the variable pitch assemble.You will need a servo to control the pitch assembly. Specification: Motor: D3124-1600kv Voltage: 11.1V Weight: (About) 43g Prop: 8inch

Turnigy Multistar 4822-490Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner
Kód zb.: YJ949-wd
Cena: 1360.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 5 ks

Turnigy Multistar 4822-490Kv 22Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner

Looking for the ultimate power system for your next Multi-rotor project? Look no further! The Turnigy Multistar outrunners are designed with one thing in mind - maximising Multi-rotor performance! They feature high-end 45SH magnets, high quality NMB bearings, 22 Poles, custom motor mount and all are precision balanced for smooth running, these motors are engineered specifically for multi-rotor us

Variable pitch prop & motor set 8\
Kód zb.: ML591-sc
Cena: 600.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 ks

Variable pitch prop & motor set 8" Type A

This easy to install unit will enable you to reverse the pitch of your brushless motor IN FLIGHT!The list of possible manuevers is endless!The unit includes 2 8inch blades and outrunner motor,and the variable pitch assemble.You will need a servo to control the pitch assembly. Specification: Motor: D3124-1600kv Voltage: 11.1v Weight: (About) 43g Prop: 8inch

AX-4008Q-620KV Brushless Quadcopter Motor
Kód zb.: EG867-vf
Cena: 1654.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Ve výrobě > 5 ks

AX-4008Q-620KV Brushless Quadcopter Motor

If you re serious about your quadcopters performance, look no further than the AX-4008Q. Built with high-end 45SH magnets, a high pole count and custom motor mount, this motoris designed purely for multi-rotor applications. The AX-4008Q includes an integrated prop adaptor for use with many different style propsfeaturing a 4mm shaft and adaptor sleeves for 5mm/6mm props. It also has an in-built aluminum mount forquick and easy installation on your quadcopter frame. This is no




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