Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 4200mAh
Voltage: 2S2P / 6.6V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Max Charge Rate: 2C
Weight: 287g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 137mm x 45mm x 23mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector
OlevinPower LiIon jednočlánková baterie 3.3 V s kapacitou 2300 AhIdeální pro vytváření vlastních akupacků nebo pro aplikace kde je vyžadována odolnost vůči vysokým vybíjecím proudůmOlevinPower nabízí originální Enerland LiIon A123 články.
Nominální napětí: 3.3V
Nominální kapacita: 2.3Ah
Standardní nabíjení: 3.6A
Max. nabíjení: 10C
Max. přípustné nabíjecí napětí: 4.2V
Max. vybíjení: 30C (Trvalé)
Špičkové vybíjení: 60C
Hmotnost: 70g
Rozměry: 66.5 x 26 mm
Poznámka: Jedná se o originální A123 článek.
TURNIGY LiFePo4 flat packs.
Delivering rock solid performance and durability.
Minimum Capacity: 4500mAh
Configuration: 6S2P / 19.8V / 12Cell
Constant Discharge: 30C
Peak Discharge (10sec): 40C
Pack Weight: 899g
Pack Size: 141 x 43 x 75mm
Charge Plug: JST-XH
Discharge plug: 4mm Bullet-connector
TURNIGY LiFePo4 flat packs.
Delivering rock solid performance and durability.
Minimum Capacity: 4500mAh
Configuration: 2S2P / 6.6V / 4Cell
Constant Discharge: 30C
Peak Discharge (10sec): 40C
Pack Weight: 317g
Pack Size: 139 x 44 x 25mm
Charge Plug: JST-XH
Discharge plug: 4mm Bullet-connector
Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 8400mAh
Voltage: 4S2P / 13.2V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Weight: 935g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 145mm x 51mm x 72mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
The new number one in performance and price!
Turnigy LiFe packs deliver full capacity at the said C rate.
You wont find a better deal in LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries anywhere!
Minimum Capacity: 3800mAh
Configuration: 3S1P / 9.9V / 3Cell
Constant Discharge: 20C
Peak Discharge (10sec): 30C
Pack Weight: 403g
Pack Size: 180 x 42 x 28mm
Charge Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 4mm Bullet-connector
Zippy LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 3600mAh
Voltage: 2S2P - 6.6V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Weight: 262g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 139mm x 21mm x 45mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector
OlevinPower OP-2300RX J přijímačová baterie je složená s originálních Enerland LiIon A123 článků.
Perfektní přijímačová baterie, která poskytuje zásobu energie na dlouhé hodiny létání.
Kapacita: 2300 mAh
Napětí: 6.6V
Trvalé vybíjení: 6 ~ 10C
Max. nabíjení: 4C
Hmotnost: 161g
Rozměry: 66.5 x 53 x 28 mm
Nabíjecí konektor: JR
Silové vodiče o délce 21 cm.
Zippy Flightmax LiFe batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well
as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
The Zippy Flightmax 1100mAh LiFe Receiver pack provides unequalled voltage stability
and lighter weight than stock receiver batteries. Ideal for the latest high torque,
high speed servos that require more current.
Capacity: 1100mAh
Voltage: 6.6V
Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 4200mAh
Voltage: 4S2P / 13.2V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 60C Burst
Weight: 535g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 138mm x 45mm x 47mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet Connector
Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 4200mAh
Voltage: 3S1P / 9.9V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Max Charge Rate: 2C
Weight: 389g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 140mm x 51mm x 26mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector
Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as
well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 8400mAh
Voltage: 2S2P / 6.6V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Weight: 519g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 146mm x 35mm x 52mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector
Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 2100mAh
Voltage: 2S1P / 6.6V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Weight: 150g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 135mm x 12mm x 45mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: XT-60
Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well
as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today!
Capacity: 4200mAh
Voltage: 3S1P / 9.9V
Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst
Max Charge Rate: 2C
Weight: 424g (including wire, plug & case)
Dimensions: 140mm x 45mm x 34mm
Balance Plug: JST-XH
Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector
Zippy vysílačová baterie se rozměrově přesně hodí do všech JR nebo Spektrum vysílačů, kde nahradí stávající tužkové AA baterie.Díky kapacitě 1800 mAh tento LiFePo4 náhradní článek umožní až pětkrát delší provozní dobu vašeho vysílače na jedno nabití.Pravděpodobně největší výhodou této LiFePo4 vysílačové baterie je to,že poskytuje stále stabilní napětí, takže už nedojde k situaci, kdy jste si po kontrole doma mysleli, že váš vysílač je plně nabitý, ale při příjezdu na letiště jste zjistili, že došlo k rychlé